
All the informations of: Humans Hub

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What we do

REI – Reindustria Innovazione

REI-Reindustria Innovazione is the lead of Humans Hub and it is a public-private company for the developement of the province of Cremona (Lombardy Region).


MUSP is the interuniversity consortium born in 2005 between Politecnico di Milano, and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.

Balance Systems

Balance Systems is a company for the creation of cutting edge products in the balancing machines for rotating components and process control systems for machine tools.

Robby Moto Engineering

Robby Moto Engineering is a company specialized in the creation of special parts for motors and their preparation and the realisation of products in those sectors dealing with high technology.

Officine Aiolfi

Officine Aiolfi is a company specialized in the development of components for the mechanical sector through 3D modeling software stations and analytical tools known in the automotive environment.

Act Operations Research

ACT Operations Reserach offers solutions to cut costs, improve productivity and service levels, predict trends and reduce risk thanks to artificial intelligence, predictive analysis, simulations and mathematical optimisation techniques.









Starting date: 01/01/2020
Ending date:  30/06/2022
Totale investment: € 7.703.807,10
Totale contribution: € 4.137.512,00

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“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success”
Henry Ford

Trusted Partners

We are going to develop a stable territorial Hub for inter-company collaboration and the sharing of technologies and knowledge to disseminate human culture – centered of Industry 4.0 to stakeholders and to the MPMI territorial system, raising the role of the person within the digital factory and proposing a path of technological development tailored to the needs and problems that distinguish today’s function of the human being in the production systems.

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